This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation . 从此,这个国家进入了一个长期不景气的时期。
The country enters a period of stagnation 这个国家进入了经济停滞时期。
Europe ' s economy has been recovering lately from a long period of stagnation , while economic growth in the u . s . has been declining 欧洲经济在经历了长期的不景气之后,近来正在持续复苏,而此时美国经济却开始放慢脚步。
Other asian economies have surprised forecasters with " v - shaped " recoveries , in contrast to the extended period of stagnation that many were predicting little more than a year ago 其他亚洲经济体系出现v型复苏,更令许多经济评论员大跌眼镜,因为他们年多前曾预测这些地方的经济会有一段长时间停滞不前。